View From The Barber's Chair

On the off chance that you need to get your hair style in Villefranche du Perigord, a town in the core of France, you have two options. On one side of the road is a beauticians, all chrome and sparkling mirrors, somewhat further down is a barbers of the relentless razor kind.

In any case, it's no Sweeny Todd style shop progressively an extraordinary spot to appreciate a substantial portion of French life. I'd just set myself up for the visit, learning the French word for short, for somewhat shorter please and leave the sideburns as they seem to be.

Well perhaps not the last one.

I was likewise trusting that there would be several photos on the divider, similar to every single great barber, that I could at any rate point to. Yet, I at that point had a fit of anxiety as I suspected they all may be pictures from the 70's and I'd need to point to something that the Hair Bear Bunch would be pleased with.

As I strolled into the shop there was an old chap sat in the seat with the barber keeping an eye on his hair and talking endlessly. The two of them turned towards me and said 'bonjour'.

I restored the greeting and as there was nobody standing by just sat on one of the seats and hung tight. After ten minutes and I was sat under the speedy scissors and smooth style of Daniel Galdrat, Villefranche du Perigord's actual barber.

"I've been a barber in the town for a long time, I was brought into the world 50 meters from the shop and I've lived here for my entire life," Daniel said.

"After I left school I prepared to be a barber at school and began working in the shop."

Daniel is even more a stone worker than a beautician, he utilizes scissors and a brush like a craftsman utilizes a brush, with a fragile touch and devotion to detail. He goes to his vicious razor to take the hair off the back of your neck and just uses the electric trimmers to tame your sideburns.

"It's a disgrace that beauticians today just utilize the trimmers to trim individuals' hair, yet that is the thing that they are educated at school," said Daniel.

"They have no information on the most proficient method to utilize the scissors and brush to trim hair, they should shear sheep." At the back of the shop is an assortment of wooden mushrooms, strolling sticks and sticks - the other energy in Daniel's life.

He appreciates going out into the Dordogne timberlands around the town with his pooch and camera to take pictures of mushrooms that he utilizes as the reason for his woodturning. Furthermore, it is obvious to see the abilities he has created as a barber turned out in his interest again the bit of a stone carver is apparent.

"I appreciate the mountains," Daniel said as he indicated an enormous notice of the Alps on the divider. check it out Barber Shop

About Us:

Located in Cliffside Park, NJ, we are an Old-School Barber Shop with a
modern twist on hairstyles for men. Performing all types of men’s
haircuts from Alpine to Englewood to Fort Lee. Our barbers are masters
in straight razor shaves, beard trims, fades, boys’ haircuts and all
high-end men's hairstyling. Lions Den’s skilled and dedicated barbers
bring New Jersey men’s grooming to a higher level.

Business Address:

Lions Den Shear and Shave Company
655 Anderson Ave,
Cliffside Park, NJ 07010
Phone Number:
(201) 945-6157


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